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Please click the project below to visit the project profile:
1. Nusantara Convention Center - East Kalimantan
2. 4-Star Resort & Convention Center - Bangka Belitung
3. Rhun Island Breda Pala Resort - Central Maluku
4. Eco Luxury 5 Star Hotel - Banten
5. The Dehegila Resort - North Maluku
6. Toba Resort and Natural Park
7. Tumpak Sewu Leisure Park - East Java
8. Raja Ampat Live on Board - Southwest Papua
9. Mandalika Convention Hotel and Resort
10. Matahora Cottage by the Beach - Southeast Sulawesi
11. Surawaya Beach Marina Area Development
12. The Kelors Gateway Hotels and Villas


Image by Tandya Rachmat

Image by Farel Yesha

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